The Birds

Okay so I had a customer call with a bird problem.  Above her porch, they had built the upper porch of the building in such a way that they had created perfect nesting areas for birds.  Here you are looking up at a ceiling of rafters, and to the right you can see these perfectly designed bird house ledges at the top of the white wall.   They were all filled with bird nest material.  

SO . . . I went to the hardware store and searched for some kind of chicken coop anti-bird material, and I came up with “hardware cloth.”

20161020_141417Also see my new toy, a pair on tin snips for cutting it.  So with much measuring and plotting I cut pieces of the wire mesh and placed these fitted pieces in the enclosures . . .

20161020_150133It’s not done yet– I still have to go back and smooth it all out and put in more brads,

20161020_151517But at last the customer is bird free.  She is so happy.

Author: admin

Hi, Justin here. I do handyman work in the Boston Metrowest area. I specialize in solving problems, like doors that don't close right, things that don't hang right, and many basic small repairs. Note, I don't do bigger projects like building decks, I prefer to fix things already installed. I love healing old houses and making things look right. Call 781 330 8143 or email

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