Morning Bigots and Marketing 

Something unexpected flew across my radar recently.  Two of my best clients just happened to mention in passing that they really like the fact that I am not a morning person, and I rarely show up before 11 am.

I always thought my night owl / late riser  proclivities were a disadvantage in life but now I am rethinking things.

I have a phrase for people who are “morning people” . . .   I call them morning bigots.  I generally understand and accept that some people sleep at different hours, but morning bigots have a different attitude.  They think (and “think” is perhaps not the best word here) that if they are up at 7 a.m.,  everyone else should be up too.  Nevermind that you work the graveyard shift doing some essential service– they are up, and to them, that means everyone else should be up too, and the whole world needs to adjust to them.

Our world is becoming ever more uncivil, and sleep deprivation is a big contributor to the problem.

A harsh reality that I learn long ago, certain kinds of services are so hard to get done, that people will put up with just about anything to get them done.  If you have to lose half a night’s sleep to get your heat or your toilet to work, you will do it.

However I am starting to wonder, if you are a handyman or something similar, are we keeping any track of how much business is being lost, by making dealing with us unpleasant for all those later risers out there?


Author: admin

Hi, Justin here. I do handyman work in the Boston Metrowest area. I specialize in solving problems, like doors that don't close right, things that don't hang right, and many basic small repairs. Note, I don't do bigger projects like building decks, I prefer to fix things already installed. I love healing old houses and making things look right. Call 781 330 8143 or email

1 thought on “Morning Bigots and Marketing ”

  1. I’m not sure I understand the question you’re putting forward, but as a sleep & well-being coach I agree wholeheartedly that sleep deprivation is a huge contributor to the increase in incivility.

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