My apartment’s frij was making an annoying buzzing noise, so rather than be a wimp and call building maintenance I decided to see if I could just fix it myself. So I pulled the frij out, gave it a good whack at top back, and the noise stopped. I do amaze myself.
But once I had the frij pulled out, I looked down at the bottom and . . . UH OH . . .
Thar ’twas, a whole lot of lint buildup on the vent openings of the cardboard back of this frij.
So 3 screws off, and I exposed the cylindrical cooling coil of the unit:
Isn’t that just lovely. All of the air in my apartment was being blown thru all that crud. ICK. (Bear in mind I had just cleaned this thing a year ago)
So, a little gentle (GENTLE) brushing with a paintbrush and tooth brush and my hand vac, and VIOLA
Probably saving what, fifty bucks a year on my electric bill? plus all the CO not emitted? plus my apartment air is cleaner? Not bad for 20 minutes of effort. I would guess that 85% of all refrigerators in the country are even dirtier.