Every once in a while I get asked to fix the caulk on a sink. All too often the old sink looks all gunkified, like this:
and, from further away:
Such an insult to the spirit. Anyway, after an hour of cleaning out the old gunk with brushes and a jackknife, and re caulking with the right pure silicone product, we get this:
I have to say, there is a very high degree of artistic satisfaction to be derived from this kind of work. Yes, the caulk is functional, but after getting it nice and concave and even all around, you also get a rush of aesthetic pleasure when it’s done right. And there is also the sense of achievement in overcoming the difficulty of working with 100% silicone. It is VERY sticky and VERY unforgiving and one has only 90 seconds to do the final “tooling” (shaping) before it becomes too hard to work with.
This sink came out great and yes, I feel pretty smug about it 🙂