Restoring an Objet D’Art

With all this downtime due to the pandemic, my sister came to me with a . . . I don’t know what to call it except an objet d’art . . .  that she picked up someplace.  It had been painted, but the paint was peeling bigtime:

So I went at it with some paint stripper, one layer at a time:

Until finally, after much scraping and sanding, VIOLA:

Author: admin

Hi, Justin here. I do handyman work in the Boston Metrowest area. I specialize in solving problems, like doors that don't close right, things that don't hang right, and many basic small repairs. Note, I don't do bigger projects like building decks, I prefer to fix things already installed. I love healing old houses and making things look right. Call 781 330 8143 or email

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