Simple Door Closer Fix

I generally advertise myself as a “small project guy,” and this is a perfect example of the kind of problem I like to solve.  A customer called with a rear screen door that had flown off its pneumatic closer attachment.
This had been a somewhat cheesy attachment to begin with, just sheet metal screws screwed into the door.  Also the chain up top designed to prevent the door from being blown away was all out of adjustment, it was so loose as to be useless.  So I fixed that,

Then I drilled all the way thru the door and installed some stainless steel (ALWAYS use stainless steel on exterior stuff) bolts and lock washers and nuts . . .

The outside you can see the heads . . .

And finally I sawed off the excess lengths of the bolts, and filed them down so no sharp edges.  And, VIOLA.

Author: admin

Hi, Justin here. I do handyman work in the Boston Metrowest area. I specialize in solving problems, like doors that don't close right, things that don't hang right, and many basic small repairs. Note, I don't do bigger projects like building decks, I prefer to fix things already installed. I love healing old houses and making things look right. Call 781 330 8143 or email

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