On this page you will find answers to . . .
Peter VS. the Wolf FAQ's (Frequently Asked Questions), like: what is the orchestration, how to rent it/ get
score and parts, technical stuff, etc. etc.
"It seems difficult to imagine a sequel to Prokofiev's 'Peter and the Wolf' that
justice to the original. But with 'Peter VS. the Wolf,' Justin Locke
has done just that-- and then some."
---Boston Patriot Ledger
This piece includes the music of the original Prokofiev tale and is offered on a
"produce-it-yourself" basis. It has been performed by dozens of orchestras all over the United
States, and was recently given European and South American premieres. It is one of
several such works published by Justin Locke Productions.
Peter VS. the Wolf FAQ's
(as well as general links for the JLP web site!)
You can also link to:
What is Peter
VS. the Wolf?
PVTW is a one-hour family and pops concert piece for
orchestra and four actors.
Who wrote the
Prokofiev wrote the music. Peter VS. the Wolf uses the music of
Peter AND the Wolf.
What is the show about? Is this just
another re-telling of Peter and the Wolf?
NO. Peter VS. the Wolf is the SEQUEL to Peter and the
Wolf. This is the story of the Wolf's trial. In this new story, the
Wolf runs into the concert hall after breaking out of the zoo.
He pleads his case with the audience, claiming he was "framed,"
and proceeds to tell the story of his trial. Lights come up on
the stage; there is the orchestra and a courtroom. The District
Attorney and Peter proceed to prosecute the wolf, but the wolf is
too clever for them; he calls EACH INSTRUMENT TO THE
STAND and cross-examines them; in the midst of the courtroom comedy every
instrument of the orchestra is demonstrated and explained. The
dizzy judge tosses out the instruments' testimony, leading to a
rousing finish complete with dixieland music, surprise witnesses,
spontaneous confessions, and pardons from the governor.
How do I get a perusal
Call me to discuss and I will get you what you need. We don't normally send out perusal scores, as the music is all from the standard literature and
mostly from Peter and the Wolf. We do send out scripts, but the fastest way to
get a copy is to simply print out the synopsis and script page.
(Just go to the page, click on "file" in your web browser, and hit "print." It's about 24 pages
Call me at [int'l: 001] 781 330 8143, and we'll deal.
What is the
The orchestration is the same as that of Peter and the Wolf:
single woodwinds, three horns, trumpet, trombone, 2 percussion, and strings. (There are
some added perc instruments, but not added perc players.)
Do you supply sheet music?
Absolutely. All rentals of the show include use of a score and a complete set of parts,
including a "witness stand" part so the musicians don't need to memorize anything. The roadmap
is crystal clear, with all the musican's spoken dialogue included in the books. The parts also
include all the incidental music. A sound effects file/CD is also included.
Who has performed
Peter VS. the Wolf has been performed by orchestras of every size all over
the United States, including the Symphonies of Minnesota, Phoenix, Spokane, Lubbock, Helena, and Nashville. It
has also been done in Australia, Europe, and South America. It has been done by professional, community,
college, and high school orchestras.
How do I produce it?
Peter VS. the Wolf is offered on a "produce-it-yourself" basis. Most of my clients simply hire a local
theater director to provide the actors. This gives you complete control over
your production, and it saves the costs of hiring a travelling show. Once the actors have
rehearsed, professional orchestras can put it together with one 3 hour orchestra rehearsal.
How much does it cost?
The eternal question. Before giving out numbers, well, like any show rental I need to know about your production, things like expected attendance, cost of admission, or you a pro/amateur group, etc. etc. I am guiding by the Rotary Club principle "Is it fair to all concerned?" Send me an inquiry and I will ask you a few questions and then give you a price.
Note For performances of PVTW in Germany, everything goes thru Sikorski Musikverlag.
"'Peter VS. the Wolf' is the liveliest introduction to orchestral
instruments I've ever heard." --Syracuse Post Standard
Other Links:
To find out more:
EMail justinlocke1@gmail.com
or call
[001] 781-330-8143. You can send snailmail to Justin Locke B5 50 Wells Road Lincoln MA 01773
go to other JLP links:

781 330 8143
50 Wells Road Unit B5 Lincoln MA 01773 USA