A New Look

Well, you regular visitors to my blog may have noticed the new picture in the header.  I spend an awful lot of time thinking about my marketing of my speaking, and it recently occurred to me that I was making the same mistake that I constantly tell people not to make.  I had fallen into the “safe” trap and had made myself far too generic.  And I am anything but.

Anyway, the story of the picture in the header: in 2002, the magnificent Teatro Municipal of Rio de Janeiro did 12 performances of my “Phantom of the Orchestra.”  Since they have an in-house ballet troupe and opera company, they re-did it as “O Fantasma do Teatro” adding elements of opera and ballet.  (In their version, the Phantom spikes the ballerinas’ coffee with cachaca, and in the middle of the Swan Lake Dance of the Cygnets, one of the ballerinas started to do a Charleston.  I have to say, I really do think that was the funniest thing I’ve ever seen done on the stage in my entire life.)

After the show, all the actors went out into the lobby area to meet and greet with all the kids.  And when I saw those four gorgeous Brasilian ballerinas standing in the lobby, that was just a photo op too good to miss.  Those interlinking hand holds (part of the Swan Lake choreography) were a little dangerous, but I think we just barely passed the decency test.

I have several pictures of myself in rather unusual situations and or standing next to a very famous conductors, so I think I am nuts to not use them to better marketing/ branding effect and distinguish myself from the run-of-the-mill business speaker.  

below, a pic of the bows at the show.  note the standing ovation 🙂  tenho o saudade para rio!!

Rio bows1

© Justin Locke 


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