There are many people who talk about how to get more money. There are endless schemes and strategies offered for doing so. I have listened to all these, and I have noticed that these messages tend to be rather one-sided. So here goes, for anyone who has any listening energy left.
Let’s suppose you have a hairdryer, or maybe an iron, but its plug, you know, the thing you plug into an electrical outlet, only had one prong. Would it work?
It ought to work. After all, you don’t need to send any electricity back to the power company, you just need it to come to you. But of course, it doesn’t.
Another example: Let’s suppose you are living in a drought-ridden area, and you want it to rain. You hire rain dancers, you curse the blue sky, you pray for rain. But for that rain to happen, somewhere, some moisture has to get evaporated up into the sky first.
If you subscribe to my theories about money, that it is an expression of emotional energy, then that energy ought to work pretty much like any other energy. It goes in waves and cycles, or circles. It moves. It “circulates.”
Now you may think this is going to become a shaming diatribe, saying you have to start giving more or working harder. Nope. Try again.
The flow of emotional energy is natural. Like rain, it happens by itself. But unfortunately, our “poverty thinking” gets in the way. It’s like a massive tarpaulin thrown over the ocean, preventing the moisture from being evaporated. And, sad to say, this interference is something that many of us are taught.
In my doings as a musician and dancer, the endless mantra is “get rid of the stuff that is interfering with the natural flow of energy.” We all pick up fear-based habits that freeze energy flow, and it’s part of life to clean them up if we want to excel. So:
To get the rain to fall, or the electricity to flow, look at what is stopping you from giving your greatest love and energy to the universe. Did you lose a prong from your electrical plug, in the form of being told you are not consequential enough to give anything to the universe? Did you throw a tarp over the pacific ocean, in the form of anger, fear, resentment, or mistrust?
You have a lot of natural energy to share. When you were a little kid, did you long to have a kitten, to be the object of all your pent-up affection? It’s kind of like that. Start shutting off any thought that says “who am I to be a source of love and happiness for millions?” or “I can’t start a business unless I have a master’s degree,” or “I would be a sucker to just let all my energy fly off into the world, as I resent people who have more than me.” This isn’t about scrounging up your last scrap of physical energy; instead, it’s about stopping the anger, resentment, fear, or mistrust that gets in the way earlier in the cycle. You have a high purpose, but rarely does anyone tell you to drop all else and follow it. But you can let your energy feed the hearts of others to an infinite degree. You can do this in simple conversation, the speed at which you drive, turns of phrases, the list is endless.
Mind you, this is just a theory. And I admit, it is exhausting to work at turning off these bad habits of energy constriction and rationing. But it is all learned behavior, that means it can be unlearned. It is all just “poverty thinking.”
© Justin Locke