Well, with the publication of my latest book, “Getting in Touch with Your Inner Rich Kid,” and doing various presentations on the book here in the Boston area, I’m thinking more and more about this whole “rich kid/poor kid” concept. And there’s a new wrinkle. To illustrate, a little story:
I have this friend. I would call her my “best” friend, but that implies comparisons, and she’s really in a category all by herself. I met this woman decades ago, and we hit it off immediately. All the other friends I had in my 20s have gone the way of all flesh, but even though this person has often moved out of town, and did the whole suburban mom lifestyle change, we are just as close as ever.
We have a lot in common… very similar family systems, and we are both Aries people. But we also have this unique form of communication: I always know when she wants to talk to me. When she first moved away from Boston, long-distance telephone charges were kind of expensive for youngsters. And the person making the call had to pay for the call. So she would just send out a signal into the ether that she wanted talk to me, and out of the blue I would have this sudden urge to drop everything and call her up.
This has never gone away. I hadn’t talked to her for a couple of months, and just three weeks ago, she lost her phone and all of its data. Out of the blue, I had this urge to call her. She needed my phone number. We just laugh about this. For us, this kind of communication is normal.
But now, having written this book about the emotional energies of poor kids and rich kids, I’m starting to wonder if this phenomenon has broader applications.
John Bradshaw once stated that children of highly dysfunctional families could find people with similar dysfunctional backgrounds as though they had radar for similarly damaged people. And we all know someone who has a penchant for a certain kind of not so healthy boyfriend/girlfriend. They get rid of one lousy relationship and they jump into another one that is just as bad.
This may not be terribly scientific, but I think the data is pretty strong that people have certain “resonances.” And we attract people who have a similar resonance.
Now we are all created equal, but clearly, some people have the ability to attract more resources to themselves than others. And your ability to attract wealthy energy to yourself is what I call your “wealth resonance.” It’s a measure of how people feel about giving you money or a job, etc.
So in writing my book, it became fairly clear to me that the emotional conditioning that I went through in the poor kid’s school was designed to create a certain level of wealth resonance. In my case, a very low level. And in the rich kid’s school, there was a constant cultivation of individual wealth resonance was extremely high. And of course, one of the reasons rich people send their kids to rich kid school is so they will be amongst other wealth resonant people. It was a distinct cultural feel. It was beyond just having cash.
So in writing the book, I certainly discovered a lot of bad habits that I suffer from. I am prone to envy and resentment. It’s a habit from childhood. It’s not just lack of cash– that is just a symptom. All the other poor kids felt the same way, and I wanted to fit in, so I took on that attribute. So now I am constantly endeavoring to focus on feeling grateful, and not letting my mind meander into resentment states. And while this is a further topic from the book, there is cultivation of oppression resonance, just as there is cultivation of wealth resonance. And I am convinced that this energy can be codified and managed just like electromagnetism.
© Justin Locke