Well like many people I am flailing in the soup of social media, twitter, web 2.0, and god only knows what else.
As posted previously I have yet to see much tangible effect from "social media." Call me a luddite. Actually, luddites destroyed labor-saving technology. Today I sometimes feel like it's the reverse.
But better safe than sorry, so along with creating a twitter account (to grab @justinlocke more than anything else), I have just created a facebook page for my professional persona here:
I must confess, right off the bat it was a great forum for posting some fab pix of some of my plays from some very high-end overseas productions (is South America overseas??). Also it might be a nice place to collect and share reader comments on my books, etc. I am sure I will have to do some encouraging but I have high hopes that customers will post comments.
The experiments continue . . .